
30 years ago, the concept of “Leading Companies Austria” was launched under the Authority for Economic and Tourism Development to concentrate and maximise the corporate  impact of companies in Graz. In 1995, a first economic catalogue was issued in print form , providing improved insight into the operations of successful leading companies. Other catalogues dealt with such companies in eastern and upper Styria as well as in southwestern Styria, these are also available at  www.leitbetriebe.at.

Further steps were taken in other provinces with “Leitbetriebe Austria” regional economic catalogues in Burgenland, Carinthia, Lower Austria, Vienna and Upper Austria as well as with  publications in the industry specific press.

Under the banner “Together one Brand”, Leitbetriebe Austria reached another milestone in 2013 by gathering the leading companies from all provinces into a single catalogue for the whole of Austria – the Leitbetriebe Austria catalogue. The catalog has been replaced by the business magazine “Leitbetriebe Wirtschaftsmagazin” since 2019.

Currently, our focus is on further unifying and carrying forward the “Leitbetriebe Austria” brand, on active networking between leading companies and on knowledge transfers for   successful economic, social and ecological sustainability strategies. Thanks to this cooperation between strong partners their activities are continuously developing.
