For more than a century, HOERBIGER has been shaped by the pioneering spirit of Hanns Hörbiger, the entrepreneurial courage of Alfred and Martina Hörbiger, customer proximity and fair dealings with business partners and employees.
The HOERBIGER Group comprises globally operating companies in the business areas of compression technology and drive technology, as well as the business area of hydraulics.
The HOERBIGER brand stands for performance-determining components in compressors, industrial engines and turbines, in automotive transmissions and in various applications in the mechanical engineering and plant manufacturing sectors.
Leitbetriebe Austria is proud to be able to once again welcome the originally Austrian family-owned company and the now international technology group as a partner in the network of Austrian leading companies. As a hidden champion, world market leader with value orientation, a performance-oriented team and a focus on lasting business success, they secure jobs in the long-term and thus they belong at the forefront of the Austrian economy.
Foto vlnr: Ingo Schuller, Produktionsleiter HOERBIGER Ventilwerke GmbH & Co KG; Mag. Monica Rintersbacher, Geschäftsführerin Leitbetriebe Austria; Herrn Dipl.-Ing. Johann Hipfl, Mitglied der Konzernleitung HOERBIGER Ventilwerke GmbH & Co KG und Leiter des Unternehmensbereichs Kompressortechnik; Dipl-Ing. Axel Rumpold, Geschäftsführer HOERBIGER Ventilwerke GmbH & Co KG
Fotocredit: HOERBIGER Ventilwerke GmbH & Co KG