Büroprofi Skribo GmbH
- Headquarter: Upper Austria
- Federal states: Upper Austria
- Industry sectors: Trade & wholesale
- Status: Recertified
Founding year
The company unites 2 traditional brands in the paper, office and stationary supply trade and serves more than 100 partner companies in Austria as the franchise head office.
Büroprofi is the market leader in B2B trade of paper, office and stationary supplies and serves more than 22,000 SMEs as customers with more than 80 sales partners. The system has been exported from here to Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary.
Skribo is an association of specialist retailers of paper and stationary supplies, school and gift items with 40 shops in Austria. As the oldest franchise system in Austria and co-founder of the Austrian Franchise Association, Skribo is also active on the German market with currently over 120 partners.
Products and services
Büroprofi Skribo GmbH offers its expertise, brand, system and marketing for its independent partners, manages their web shops and is available as a service centre.
With regard to commercial customers, Büroprofi is the contact partner and supplier for everything required in and around the office. Whether it is paper, ink and toner, folders, stamps and trays, facilities and equipment, from conference equipment through to ergonomic workplaces – with more than 90,000 items and professional personal advice on site, there is no problem in the office for which Büroprofi does not have an individual, quick and cost-effective solution.
The Skribo specialist retailers are specialists in paper and office supplies, writing instruments, school and gift items, craft supplies, decorative items and much more. The trial service for pens and fountain pens, the school list service (=compilation of all items required by pupils in the first levels of school) and the trial service and professional advice for school bags are just a few examples of the services offered by Skribo employees to their customers.