DocLX Holding GmbH
- Headquarter: Vienna
- Federal states: Vienna
- Industry sectors: Media & entertainment, Service providers
- Status: Recertified
Founding year
65 %
Export share
Germany, Serbia
This company is Austria’s largest digital agency for event travel, boutique festivals, electronic sports festivals, B2C and B2B events, incentives and city card solutions, with a special emphasis on digitalisation. As the official distribution partner of the Vienna Tourist Board, the agency is responsible for the sales of the Vienna City Card, Austria’s most successful city card, and offers a digital system solution to operators of city and regional cards. What’s more, the company focuses on addressing younger and, above all, smartphone-oriented target groups. It aims to develop a product for destinations that connects digital marketing with traditional sales in the best way possible in order to ensure long-term success.
Products and services
X-JAM: Europe’s biggest post-high-school holiday. Every year, DocLX gives over 10,000 high-school leavers the chance to go on the trip of a lifetime to the exclusively leased Lanterna peninsula in Croatia.
LIGHTHOUSE FESTIVAL CROATIA/SOUTH AFRICA: The Lighthouse Festivals are among the most renowned boutique festivals in the world and feature electronic music in a chilled atmosphere.
ELECTRONIC SPORTS FESTIVAL: The ESF or Electronic Sports Festival was the first event of its kind in Austria to recognise the growing popularity of eSports and organises the most important events in the eSports community.
TURNON: Allows a strictly limited number of high-school leavers to experience a sense of boundless freedom on board Europe’s biggest fleet of event yachts. A week visiting hotspots along the Croatian coast. Different party and shopping locations each day, relaxing in secluded bays, a touch of culture, and pure action.
B2B EVENTS: Capitalising on its size and experience, DocLX also holds numerous tailored business events, with their staging and emotional engagement setting them apart from other B2B events.
VIENNA CITY CARD. THE OFFICIAL VIENNA CITY PASS: The Vienna City Card was introduced in 1997 and has since become the most successful tourist card in Austria. As the offcial distribution partner of Vienna Tourist Board, DocLX has exclusive responsibility for all the sales activities of the Vienna City Card.
CITY CARD SOLUTIONS: Solution provider specialising in the programming and maintenance of applications and systems for operating city and regional cards. The focus lies in the digitalisation of all processes and workflows right through to the digital ticket.
YOUTH TREND MONITOR: The youth trend monitor from DocLX and Marketagent.com gives an insight into various aspects of young Austrians’ lives. Whether it’s eSports, body shaming, cyberbullying, driverless vehicles, or the hotly debated topic of compulsory vaccinations – around 2,000 young people and young adults have provided answers on the issues that concern them.