MLS Personaldienstleistung GmbH
- Headquarter: Styria
- Federal states: Lower Austria, Upper Austria, Styria
- Industry sectors: Service providers
- Status: Recertified
Founding year
MLS is the largest Styrian personnel service provider with over 25 years of experience, branches throughout Austria and more than 1100 active employees. Cooperating with more than 400 renowned companies from all economic sectors, MLS is a strong partner in the area of personnel management.
MLS guarantees reliability, competence and an excellent credit status on the customer side. All customer wishes are fulfilled quickly and professionally by trained job managers. For employees, this means cooperating with a company that espouses values such as trust, openness and honesty.
In order to reach as many applicants as possible, MLS relies on locations throughout Austria and a variety of recruiting channels. In addition to the company website, the company is also constantly on the search for qualified personnel on social media channels. In order to increase the range, the job advertisements are also posted on known job platforms. Thanks to these recruiting measures and well-functioning networking with companies from a variety of industries, MLS can now access an very large applicant pool of invested applicants.
Products and services
> Temporary employment – The provision of personnel is still the core competence of MLS and offers companies a multitude of advantages.
> Integration model – The provided employees are integrated in the company and can be employed after a certain leasing period.
> Personnel placement – The trained MLS job managers create a clear profile of requirements and take over the entire recruiting process for companies.
> Payroll service – MLS takes on the role of a personnel office and deals with all payroll and personnel accounting.
> Advertisement service – The advertisement service offers the possibility of using the MLS infrastructure and disseminating self-created job adverts.
> MLS industry services – MLS‘ new business branch offers coordinated operating solutions for production companies in all industries. The services range from optimisations in the areas of production, maintenance, quality assurance and internal logistics and flexible personnel solutions through to the handling of entire projects in Austria and abroad.
Furthermore, complete solutions are offered in the fields of gas, water and heating, air conditioning, refrigeration and ventilation. Lorry consignments and complete tooling are provided on an hourly basis for construction projects of all sizes throughout Austria.