Richter Pharma AG
- Headquarter: Upper Austria
- Federal states: Upper Austria
- Industry sectors: Pharmaceuticals, health & biotechnology
- Status: Recertified
Founding year
7.6 %
Export share
Germany, Italia, France, EU
Richter Pharma stands for tradition with a forward-looking approach: Over the course of four centuries, a pharmacy on the town square in Wels developed into a globally successful pharmaceutical company. Today, Richter Pharma is a unique supplier on the market due to its wide spectrum of health services and active business segments. From GMP-compliant production through to the traditional, full-line wholesale of pharmaceuticals, the market leadership of the Austrian veterinary wholesale sector and AMBO-compliant delivery by means of its own state-of-the-art transport logistics, all of Richter Pharma’s customers benefit from comprehensive pharmaceutical expertise along the entire value-added chain. Thus, Richter Pharma secures and improves the high-quality supply of pharmaceuticals and health products for humans and animals, whereby the company
• ensures the pharmaceutical safety and availability and maintains the supply of essential pharmaceuticals around the clock as a full-range provider
• develops and produces pharmaceuticals as a manufacturer
• develops and offers customer-oriented, supply-related services
Products and services
Human business segment:
As a full-line pharmaceutical wholesaler, Richter Pharma provides comprehensive Austrian-wide distribution to public pharmacies, dispensary-managing physicians (via Adler Apotheke Fritsch & Co. KG), hospitals, prisons, army facilities and other authorised recipients pursuant to AMG, AMBO, GDP and EN ISO 9001.
Veterinary business segment:
As a market-leading veterinary wholesaler in Austria, Richter Pharma accompanies all of the approximately 1600 veterinarians during their studies through to working in practices and constant further training.
Industrial business segment:
As a specialised manufacturer of veterinary pharmaceuticals according to GMP, Richter Pharma focuses production on analgesics and anaesthetics under the premise “competence in pain management”. In total, Richter Pharma holds more than 250 licences and offers comprehensive technical marketing support for its own sales subsidiaries and sales partners worldwide.