VBV - Vorsorgekasse AG
- Headquarter: Vienna
- Federal states: Vienna
- Industry sectors: Financial & insurance services
- Status: Recertified
Founding year
VBV is the market leader in the area of mandatory company pension plans (“Severance Pay NEW”) and serves approximately every third employee, employer and self-employed person in Austria.
In addition to the secure and profitable investment of customer funds, VBV has integrated sustainability into its corporate strategy since its foundation in 2002. Strict approval and exclusion criteria as well as a specially established Ethics Advisory Board ensure that capital flows are directed to areas where sustainable, resource-conserving and compliant management is carried out.
VBV was awarded the “Austrian Quality Award” for its high corporate quality in 2017 and received the special award for “Excellence in Responsible Sustainability” in 2020. In addition, the company is ISO-certified and “the” leading sustainable company in the industry. VBV was the only fund to be rated “Very Good” by the Association for Consumer Information (VKI) in 2019 for the fourth time in a row.
VBV is a signatory of the Montréal Pledge. The Montréal Pledge strives for greater transparency in the CO2 footprint and also wants to contribute to its reduction in the long term. This initiative is supported by both the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) and the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI).
The carbon footprint of the equity portfolio as of December 31, 2020 is 75.5 tCO2e / EUR 1 million invested, significantly lower than the comparative value of the MSCI World portfolio (112.1 t CO2 e / EUR 1 million invested).
Products and services
The Severance Pay NEW system has been in effect since January 1, 2003. Every employer pays 1.53% of the gross salary to a pension fund via the regional health insurance fund for new employees from the second month of employment.
Since 1. 1. 2008, self-employed persons who are compulsorily insured under the GSVG have also been able to take advantage of the tax-privileged pension scheme. Freelance self-employed can voluntarily decide to pay contributions in the amount of 1.53% of the contribution basis.
Customers of VBV – Vorsorgekasse enjoy the following advantages:
– Inexpensive cost scale
– Trendsetter and pioneer in sustainable investment
– With a top performance of 2.89 %, VBV-Vorsorgekasse 2020 stands out as the market leader in the area of Severance Pay NEW.
– Best long-term performance of all pension funds active since 2003. From 100 euro in the assessment period 2003 to 2020 about 166 euro!
– Internet account “My VBV” with the possibility to extrapolate the future total pension
– Highest corporate quality: State prize winner for corporate quality
– Climate protection award winner for efforts in environmental protection
– Personal advice on site, but also on the phone