Eco-friendly public transport makes Vienna the greenest city in the world

It’s official: Vienna’s underground trains, buses and trams provide more space, clean air and prevent noise pollution in the city.

Vienna is ranked top of the World’s 10 Greenest Cities 2020. This puts our capital city above more than 100 other global metropoles. A well-developed public transport system is an important criterion for cities hoping to reach the top spot. According to the authors of the ranking, “Vienna is setting the European standard for public transport. Nearly half of the city’s population have purchased an annual public transport card for the Wiener Linien public transport network, which they use on a regular basis.

Executive City Councillor Ulli Sima, who is in charge of public transport in Vienna, is delighted with the result: “The ranking demonstrates the important role Wiener Linien is playing in making us a model city when it comes to climate protection. Regardless of whether you are saving time, money or CO₂ – each and every individual that uses any of the lines on our public transport network is protecting the environment as well as their wallets.”

‘Greener Linien’: world-beating eco-friendly transport routes and projects
Alexandra Reinagl, Managing Director of Wiener Linien, is delighted with the ranking result: “We are proud that public transport is so popular in Vienna. To ensure that this remains the case, we are continually investing in the expansion of our public transport system. In addition, we are boosting frequency across the network and building the new U2xU5 intersection, which is the city’s largest ever climate protection project.”

On top of this, Wiener Linien is implementing a host of other projects designed to combat climate change. Wherever possible, stops, platforms, and bus and tram shelters are being greenscaped; garages which stand empty during the day are being used as part of the RemiHub research project as logistics hubs for bicycle delivery services and our WienMobil stations are helping people to travel the final short distances to their homes using a variety of transport options, including bike and e-scooter sharing.

Public transport users help to create more green spaces
Passengers who use the Wiener Linien network are playing a big part in environmental protection without having to invest too much time or energy. Every person who uses public transport saves up to 1,500 kg of CO₂ each year. 80% of the Vienna public transport network is already powered by electricity. If all transport routes were turned over to public transport, around an additional 500 hectares – or approximately 700 football pitches – could be used for parks, playgrounds and other green open spaces. It’s therefore no surprise that the slogan “Öffi nützen, Klima schützen” (Use public transport, protect the environment) rings so true!
