Enhancing the compatibility of family, leisure time and professional occupation pays off! According to a poll conducted on employees on the subject of preference given to employers, the criterion of compatibility of occupation with the family is one of those with the highest ranking. This is the main criterion for the selection of the “right” job. Family-friendly companies that take the needs of the employees, such as flexibility of working hours, child care facilities and work environment into consideration enhance their preference as an employer in such a manner that they, on the one hand, are confronted with lower sickness-related days of absence from work, or similar; on the other hand, they have considerably fewer manpower fluctuations in the company, and, as a result, they can secure their know-how within the company. This achieves the competitive4 edge that Leitbetriebe Austria and the Leitbetriebe Institute have described recently in the study published on “Hidden Champions”.
On Thursday, 12th June 2014, Leitbetriebe Austria, in cooperation with WIKI Kinderbetreuungs GmbH, organized an event on the subject “What does the ‘family-friendly company’ have to with competitiveness?
Bernhard Ederer, Chairman of Wiki inaugurated the event and his message on the topic of the evening was that WIKI – perceives itself as a partner for the implementation of the family-friendly work environment and creates opportunities for companies to position themselves well in the presently increasingly necessary flexibility with respect to the job and family.
The guest speaker was (Master’s Degree Holder) Elisabeth Wenzl, Familie und Beruf (Family and Job) Management GmbH. She fed the guests with data, facts and figures as a supplement to the “soft factors”. In this way, you could, for example, make it measurable, that the compatibility of family, leisure time and occupation makes the rate of absence from work on account of sick leave less by 21% lower on an average compared to “not family-friendly companies”, apart from other measurable criteria.
(Master’s Degree Holder) Monica Rintersbacher, Managing Director of Leitbetriebe Austria inaugurated the podium discussion with the following assertion: “Family-oriented services, flexible work models and a family-friendly work organization are thus, not only a matter of social responsibility, but issues that concern the maintainability of competitiveness!?”. This was definitively confirmed by the group of experts. (Master’s Degree Holder) Tanja Knapp, Knapp AG (Master’s Degree Holder) Katrin Pucher, Knapp AG Dr. Vanessa Bange, Styria Media Group and Master’s Degree Holder Barbara Gartner-Hofbauer, WIKI were in agreement on this. Without the support of the growing requirements of the diverse family systems and growing value systems of the employees survival in the household of today is difficult to impossible. What was encouraging is that Master’s Degree Holder Tanja Knapp, of Knapp AG, who have recently invested in a company-owned “Kindergarten”, concluded that “The investment was worth it!”
The following companies were honored as lead companies that evening:
PIDAS Österreich GmbH
Redwell Manufaktur GmbH
SAPPHIR IT & Management Training GmbH
Herbert Temmel GmbH
TLC Temmel Logistik GmbH